I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
Romans 12:1

My favorite preacher is the late Dr. Adrian Rogers. What a tremendous man of God! Like Abel, “though he is dead, he still speaks” through his sermons, and books. If you never heard him, you have missed a great blessing.

When I first came to know the Lord, I was introduced to Dr. Rogers’ sermon tapes. I fell in love with his delivery style and his teaching. Over the years, I have literally listened to hundreds of hours of his sermons. My theology and ministry have been strongly shaped by his preaching.

I was privileged to go to Adrian Rogers’ first ever Pastor’s Training Institute at Bellevue Baptist Church. Adrian spent three days with a small group of pastors, teaching and sharing what he had learned in 50 plus years in the ministry. It was an awesome week in my life as I was privileged to sit at the feet of a hero in the faith.

One of the most memorable things he taught me during those three days had to do with a little acronym, P-A-C-E. Adrian challenged our group to P-A-C-E every morning to start the day.


The “P” stands for Praise. At the start of the day, lift your hands to heaven and praise God for His goodness and His grace. Brag on Jesus and His mighty power. Fill your heart and home with thanksgiving and adoration for who God is and what He has done.

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The “C” stands for Control. Turn your uplifted hands outward, raise your arms high and say to God, “I surrender! Lord, I want You to be in control of me today. I want You to sit in the driver’s seat of my life. You call the shots, and You be the boss. I yield all to You.” Surrendering your all to God is another way of saying “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).

The “E” stands for Expect. Once you have praised, accepted, and yielded control… then expect a great day! You are now completely cleansed, fully forgiven and fully controlled by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is going to do “exceeding abundantly beyond all you could ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). It is going to be an exciting, awesome day! Enjoy it!

Why not make P-A-C-E the habit of your life? Like the American Express Card commercial… don’t leave home without it! You will be so glad you did. It really will make a HUGE difference in your daily life. It has mine.

Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries