Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 10 January 2022 –
Topic: God Keeps Watch
For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
On New Year’s Day, as usual, I set off on my daily walk on the seafront with Henry, our dog. I had crossed over the main road to the seafront side and was walking on the pavement towards the car park entrance to the promenade, when I heard a group of men shouting on the opposite side of the main road. I couldn’t see them, but from all the shouting that was going on, I knew they had been drinking, and probably hadn’t recovered from their celebrations of the previous night.
I felt a pang of fear. I didn’t know if they had seen me and wondered if they might cross the road and attack me. I prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking for His protection. Then I remembered the verse I had read on the calendar before going out. It was the above verse, only the word, ‘godly’ was translated as ‘righteous’, ‘The Lord keeps watch over the way of the righteous’. I know I am not righteous, by any stretch of the imagination, but that is how my Heavenly Father sees me, because of what Jesus has accomplished on the cross, when He took away my sin.
As I continued walking, it became more peaceful around me, and I felt comforted. Then I thought about Pilgrim, in John Bunyan’s book, ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’. One time he was walking along the path. There was a deep chasm either side, and he was afraid, as he heard lions roaring. He thought he would be devoured. But then someone called out to him not to fear, because the lions were chained and couldn’t harm him.
As we face the New Year with all its uncertainties, we can sometimes fear what is going to happen to us next. But the above verse tells us that the Lord is keeping watch over the path of the godly.
I had a good walk with Henry, but as I turned to come back, he suddenly went wild and was prancing and jumping around, trying to get out of his slip lead. I struggled to control him for several minutes and was crying out, “Father, help me! Please don’t let him escape”. Eventually he gave up jumping, and we walked home without further incident.
If you are going through a difficult time right now and it seems like the enemy is roaring like a lion, know that the Lord has him under His control, and he cannot harm you when you are seeking to be godly and walk with Jesus through the ups and downs of your daily life.