Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 10 April 2022
TOPIC: What Really Matters
(Therefore) everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
I wonder, do you ever stop and ponder what will be said or written about you when you reach the end of your life?
Ahab was king over Israel for about twenty-two years, and, in one sense, his achievements were notable. The palace he built and inlaid with ivory would have been quite something to behold, and the way he strengthened Israel’s defences with a city fortification programme would have been truly noteworthy. If you’re interested in all that stuff, the writer of 1 Kings suggests you can research it elsewhere (the annals of the kings of Israel apparently!). ‘As for the other events of Ahab’s reign, including all he did, the palace he built and inlaid with ivory, and the cities he fortified, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?’ (1 Kings 22:39).
But, when it comes to what really counts, the writer doesn’t seem to hold much value in those sorts of achievements. If we scan back through the previous six chapters of 1 Kings, which cover the period when Ahab was king, we can’t help noticing the biblical ‘take’ on the merits or otherwise of Israel’s seventh king. The only thing worthy of consideration is simply this. How did Ahab live out his life in relation to the word and the commandments of God? It’s really quite stark. And, seemingly, whatever his earthly achievements, Ahab did not fare so well in the matters that really count!
Jesus seemed to value life’s achievements in much the same way. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus also stressed the importance of someone not just hearing the words of God but how he/she puts them into practice. The wise person is described by Jesus as someone who builds his/her life upon the sure foundation of God’s words. But the one who hears the words of Jesus, but takes no notice of them, may have a house that looks good, but its lack of any kind of sure foundation will really show – and crumble – when the storms of life put that life to the test.
In our time too, people often reflect on the success or otherwise of someone’s life in terms of their earthly achievements, such as their wealth, career, fame or even a big and healthy family. But the word of God consistently ignores what we might regard as significant and, rather, prizes that which we often regard as mundane. There may not be a notable earthly commendation for the one whose life shows an intentionality in keeping the commands of God and who lives a life of faithfulness towards His ways. But the appraisal from heaven may well show a glowing reflection of a life well-lived. And surely the only assessment that really counts for anything is that affirmed by the very One who gave us life in the first place.