Topic: No Baggage
Opening Prayer: My dear heavenly Father, as I study your word, let it be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Scripture: Acts 15:1-12
Question(s) for Reflection
• Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
• Is there any command for me to obey?
Scripture Union SU Daily Guide 3 November 2021 Today’s Guide
Notice the good example of Paul and Barnabas who reported their encounter in the field to the leaders in Jerusalem and how the meeting was convened and conducted, giving Peter and them opportunity to give their reports (vs.1 – 12). Cross-cultural ministry is never easy. There are churches in Africa where you dare not mount the pulpit in local attire to preach. You must fully dress in suit (better if three-piece) and tie even if the temperature is above 40?C. Some European missionaries demonised our local musical instruments.
The reverse is also true. Many African churches in Europe import their worship style wholesale from home. A Church in London is not different from that in Accra, Nairobi or Lagos. How do you see this play out in today’s passage (v.1)? The problem of circumcision and the law is one that kept troubling the young church (Acts 11:1-3; Galatians 2:11-14). Thank God for going ahead of the church to pre-empt the problem. He chose Peter, a key and respected Apostle, to span the cultural gulf in Acts 10. He saw God at work among the Gentiles in Caesarea.
Read Seeds of Destiny 3rd November 2021 – The Acceptable Service To God
It was not an easy task but God’s Spirit prevailed and Peter became a balanced defender of multi-cultural ministry. Notice here the function and usefulness of clear testimonies (vs.7-9 and v.12). The testimonies show that the God who is at work in the lives of the Jews is also at work in the lives of the uncircumcised Gentiles. We will see the conclusion tomorrow.
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?
Closing Prayer
• Pray for missionaries serving in cross-cultural situations.
• Pray for wisdom upon leaders of the country to lead aright, with the fear of the Lord.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with
• Sam. 23-24; Col. 1
Scripture Union Daily Guide 3rd November 2021. Scripture Union is an international, interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. The organization’s stated aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.
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