Scripture Union Daily Guide 8 December 2021

Topic: A Secret Revealed, A Message To Share

Opening Prayer: Plant my steps in the sure promises of your word today, dear Lord.

ScriptureEphesians 3: 1-13

Question(s) for Reflection
• What does the passage teach about God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
• What is God revealing to me in this passage?

Outline: God’s plan of redemption was for the whole world not just the Jews (John 3:16). Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension paved way for the Holy Spirit as the Resident Boss in the Christian (John 16:7). He is the one who reveals the secret plan of God for mankind and specifically for your life (vs.3-7). As the Holy Spirit revealed to Paul his ministry and call (vs.2,3), He can equally reveal yours to you.

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Notice the rich inheritance that is ours who belong to Christ (vs.5, 6) and the power and privilege that God has given to Paul for the ministry (vs.6,7) which can be ours too. The church is the universal community bound by love, ruled by the Holy Spirit which no power can resist. This demonstration of God’s wisdom and power gives us courage in the face of challenges (vs.10-13).

No one who has had an encounter with Jesus Christ remains the same. Like the Samaritan woman, start to share the gospel message and your testimony of salvation with those around you. Read vs.8,9 again and note what you can learn from it.

Practice/Word Application
• And So: Like Paul, use your challenges to witness to others about Christ today.

• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Closing Prayers
• Keep me true, Lord Jesus keep me true. There’s a race that I must run, There are victories to be won. Give me power, every hour to be true. (Neil E. Mays)

• Pray that God would give Nigeria leaders that respect human rights

Offer a prayer of faith in line with 1 John 5:20; Esther 6-8; Luke 13:1-22

Read Joseph Prince Daily Devotional 8 December 2021 – A Door of Hope