Scripture Union Daily Guide 4 December 2021
Topic: Made For The Praise Of His Glory
Opening Prayer: Let me know more of you today dear Lord as I meditate on your word.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-14
Paul wrote the epistle to the Ephesians in A.D. 60-61 while he was in prison in Rome. He also wrote the letters to the Philippians, the Colossians and to Philemon during this time. In New Testament times, Ephesus was a cosmopolitan city and a major commercial centre which attracted people from all over the Middle East (Acts 18:19).
The church in Ephesus was established by Paul between 53 and 55 AD after which the Gospel spread to the neighbouring cities through those who came to Ephesus on business and had believed Paul’s message (Acts 19: 8-10).
This letter is believed, by many Bible scholars, to have been written not only to the Ephesians Christians, but also to the churches in the surrounding cities. The epistle addresses spiritual truths concerning the Christian doctrine (chapters 1-3) and practices (chapters 4-6). These spiritual truths are re-enforced by the great power of God towards us (1:19) as we dwell in unity (1:10; 4: 3-6), and within us (3:20).
The purpose of this letter was to expand the horizon of the readers so that they might understand the dimensions of God’s eternal purpose and grace and then appreciate the high goals God has set for the church.
Question(s) for Reflection
• What does the passage teach about God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
• What is God revealing to me in this passage?
Paul opens this letter by introducing his mandate for ministry, an apostle by the will of God, and with his usual salutation of peace and grace to the church. These have spiritual dimensions as they emanate from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is used several times in this epistle. These then gave him the boldness to exhort the church on their position in Christ. Reflect on this in vs.3-14.
We are blessed with every spiritual blessing: chosen to be holy (1 Peter 2:9); adopted as God’s children; redeemed through the blood of Christ; given revelation of the mystery of His will, etc. Can you identify with these blessings? Note that the Holy Spirit guarantees our inheritance, so we can live to the praise of His glory (vs.6,12,14; 4:30).
God is working out His perfect plan of gathering us together in Christ and to be with Him forever. Hallelujah! (v. 10). If your life is devoid of these blessings, open your heart to Jesus, invite Him in and God will position you for all-round blessings (v.13).
Read Our Daily Bread Devotional 4 December 2021 – Generation Now
Practice/Word Application
• And so: Today, may you experience the riches of God’s grace lavished on us!
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?
Closing Prayer
• Prayer: Grant, O Lord, that I will live my life, continually conscious of my position in you, for the praise of your glory.
• Ask the Lord of grace for greater success in the coming week than in the passing week.
Prayer for the week
Pray that God will raise for Himself end time armies whose selfless services and preaching of the word will cause revival in the land. Pray for Living Word Ministry.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with Zechariah 8:7-8; 2 Chron. 32-33; Luke 11:1-28
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