Topic: The Fruit Of Our Lips Are Words
Scripture: Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips (Hosea 14:2).
Rhapsody of Realities 23rd October 2021 Message
Peter 2:5 tells us that we’re living stones, built up as a spiritual house—a holy priesthood—to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. These sacrifices are no longer those of bulls and calves offered over the brazen altar; they’re the fruits of our lips. Hebrews 13:15 says, “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
The fruit of our lips are “words,” as shown in our opening verse. The Greek construction of “giving thanks” is “homologeo” and it means to make confessions; so, we’re to make confessions; that is, speak words that give thanks to His Name. For example, you say, “Father, you’re greater than all; you’re the sovereign God; gracious and kind; forever loving, ever faithful and true; absolutely good! The King of kings and the Lord of lords; I thank you for your love, your greatness, and your kindness.”
That’s offering the fruit of your lips; that’s making confessions of His greatness, power, love, kindness, goodness, and of His work and ministry in your life. These “fruit of our lips” which are words that we offer must be done continually, just like the priests of the Old Testament did.
The Bible tells us what the priests were to do: “… stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise at even; And to offer all burnt sacrifices unto the LORD in the sabbaths, in the new moons, and on the set feasts, by number, according to the order commanded unto them, continually before the LORD” (1 Chronicles 23:30-31).
In the New Testament, with our words, we’re required to offer spiritual sacrifices continually. You can practise this even now! With a heart full of thanksgiving and praise, make confessions of how great He is, and how matchless His Name is. Render sacrifices of praise to His majesty! Extol His greatness and worship His holy Name. Remember, there’s none like Him, for His kingdom and reign is everlasting!
Thank you, blessed Father, for your greatness and kindness. You’re the only true and wise God, who reigns and rules in the affairs of men; the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign. To you, Lord, be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion and praise, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15
1 Timothy 5:1-25; Jeremiah 13-14
John 7:11-19; 2 Kings 10
Read Also: Catholic Daily Mass Reading Today 23 October 2021 Online
Rhapsody of Realities Today 23rd October 2021 Daily Devotional Message. Rhapsody of Realities By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome remains a life-guide with rich and impactful teachings from God’s Word. Millions of copies of Rhapsody of Realities, the best-selling daily devotional and Bible study guide have been distributed in 242 countries in 2010 languages of the world… and we’re still counting.
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