RCCG Open Heaven Daily Devotional 13 October 2023
TOPIC: The City With Streets Of Gold
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2 (KJV)
BIBLE TEXT: Revelation 21:1-27 (KJV)
RCCG Open Heaven Daily Devotional 13 October 2023 MESSAGE
There are great and beautiful cities in this world. There are cities where the streets are all clean, there are well kept parks, the taxis are luxurious cars and so on. However, as beautiful, organized and perfect as these cities may appear, there is one that makes them all look greatly underdeveloped in comparison.
In this city, the streets are paved with the purest kind of gold you can imagine (Revelation 21:21). The gold trinkets and accessories that people wear and show off in this world are all of low quality compared to the one we will be walking on in that city.
Clearly, this city is one where there will be absolutely no poverty. In this city, all struggles will be over. The government of this city is so efficient that they ensure that nobody lacks anything; in fact, the poorest fellow will be living in a mansion.
READ RCCG Open Heaven Daily Devotional 12 October 2023 – The Way Where There Is No Way
Our memory verse today makes this abundantly clear. That great city is one of great wealth and privilege, where one would not want for any good thing. Not only does the government cater to the material needs of every citizen of this city, it also provides for their emotional needs. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4.
This is one city I will give anything to relocate to. How can one become a citizen of this city? Revelation 21:27 tells us: And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
To ensure that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, you must surrender all to Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, then commit to living holy for the rest of your life.
RCCG Open Heaven Daily Devotional 13 October 2023 REFLECTION: Is your name written in the Book of life of the Lamb of God?
RCCG HYMN 18: Praise To The Lord The Almighty
1. Praise to the Lord,
the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is
thy health and salvation:
Join the great throng
psaltery,organ and song
sounding in glad adoration!
2. Praise to the Lord,
who over all he gloriously reigneth:
Borne as on eagle-wings, safely
his saints, He sustaineth.
Hast thou not seen
How all thou needest hath been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
3. Praise to the Lord,
who doth prosper thy way and defend thee;
Surely his goodness and mercy
shall ever attend thee;
Ponder anew, What the Almighty can do,
Who with His love doth befriend thee
4. Praise to the Lord!
Oh, let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath breath, join with
Abraham’s seed to adore Him!
Let the Amen, sum all our praises again;
Now as we worship before Him.