Good Nor Dey Tire God is a song of hope & a song of strength. The song keeps us in constant scriptural reminder of the goodness of God It speaks of the very good nature of God which is our God being a good God right from creation, in Act & in character.

God has never been tired of doing good even while men fails in their part in keeping the divine Covenant.

It is an affirmation that the song will breakthrough the gospel ministry, reminding the world of the kindness, graciousness & good nature of God

However, from Genesis man has been offending & sinning against God, but God always have a way of drawing man back to himself. This speaks of volume of His good nature Conclusively, if not for God’s goodness we all would have not been where we are today Our God is a good God & the devil is a bad devil Indeed God is not tired of doing good.

Eghas D Bishop | Facebook
@igho_praise | Instagram 


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