MFM Daily Devotional 31 December 2024

TOPIC: Who Art Thou, Go Ye!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 100; Psalm 136; Revelation 4, Revelation 5

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:35-38

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:18

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seed you sow.

PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: The Lord Jesus Christ will make you a fisher of men, in the name of Jesus.

MFM Daily Devotional 31 December 2024 Message

Soul winning is the heartbeat of God. The reason God gave the world His only begotten Son is to redeem mankind back to Himself through His Son. As His practice, Jesus, the Great Teacher, likened soul-winning to harvest. He categorically stated that the harvest is plenteous but lamented that the labourers are few.

There are millions of souls that are unsaved and perishing in our continents, nations, towns, villages, neighbourhoods and workplaces. What are we doing about them? Beloved, if the Lord has saved you, you ought to save others. You have a good story of the amazing love of God and His power to save to the uttermost to tell. Some do not go for evangelism (personal and group) because they are ushers or choristers.

No matter what you do for the Lord, add evangelism to it. Win souls for the Lord on a daily basis. The Bible says that soul winners are wise and that heaven rejoices over every soul that is won for God. Are you willing to cause daily rejoicing and celebration in heaven? Your reward will be great.

READ MFM Daily Devotional 30 Dec 2024 – Who Art Thou, O Great Mountain?

Jonah refused to obey God and exhibit the right passion for soul when God sent him to Nineveh. He incurred the wrath of God and only knew peace when he obeyed and Nineveh repented and got saved. Your refusal to go and share the good news with all nations may be the reason heaven has not granted those petitions you hold dear.

It may be the reason your desired testimony is still in God’s Keep In View file. Remember that Jesus Christ, the Soon Coming King, will not return until we have fulfilled the Great Commission that enjoined us to take His gospel to the whole world. He is depending on you and me to achieve this. How do you fare in this area of your Christian race?

It is not too late to make amends if your personal assessment of your performance in soul winning is low and unimpressive. You can turn a new leaf today. Follow Jesus’ prescriptions: pray that Lord of the harvest will send labourers to His work and decide to be one of those labourers. That will be one of the best decisions you will ever make in life and your reward will be very great in heaven!


1. Father, give me the grace to proclaim Your word and love all over the world, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, make we a successful soul winner in these last days, in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, let my life win souls for You, in the name of Jesus.

4. Lord of the harvest, use me to harvest souls for You daily, in the name of Jesus.
5. My Father, send labourers to Your harvest today, in the name of Jesus.
6. My heaven, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, bless me with the blessing of successful soul winners, in the name of Jesus.