MFM Daily Devotional 3 April 2023
TOPIC: Confront and Overcome Your Past (III)
Memory Verse:
That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24
Motivational Quote: God needs to empty you of your past and prepare you for the future.
Prophetic word for today: Every garment of yesterday that wants to rob you of today’s glory shall catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Fire Scripture: Genesis 32:24-30
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 10-12; 1 John 5; 2 John 1.
MFM Daily Devotional 3 April 2023 MESSAGE
It will be helpful for us to delve more into this story of Jacob and learn some more lessons for our own good. After all, the Bible gave them to us to leam from so that we shall not fall into the same errors but be able to live our lives better in Christ.
Jacob, in the quest to make up his past offences with his brother, Esau, had to contend with the Almighty God Himself. He had a divine encounter that made him another man. This new nature prepared him as a totally new man, clothed in humility and genuine godliness, rather than the cheat and supplanter that he used to be.
God knows that with the old man in us, except we undergo spiritual transformation, it will be outright impossible to overcome the past. Your past is like a uniformed man, fully armed and informed about you. He is a kind of monitor and record keeper who has your past information in his archives, especially before you gave your life to Christ. You need to be divinely armed and informed to confront and conquer the past. It is written, “By strength shall no man prevail.” As God humbled Jacob by dislocating his hip bone, your old man must be done away with. Your must be renewed in Christ and become a new man.
God needs to humble all of us. Apostle Paul pleaded three times with God over the “thom in his flesh”, but God kept assuring him that His grace was enough for him (2 Cor. 12:6-7). You may call it the work of the devil, yet God allowed it for a purpose. To help us appreciate the humanity in us and the sovereignty of God. The same applies to Jacob and some of us when God is set to right every wrong in our lives.
Do not forget that Jacob had earlier prayed and asked God to deliver him from the wrath of his brother, knowing fully well that he had greatly hurt him. Are you ready to mend up the broken fences of relationships, correct the errors of the past, make peace where there is strife and disunity and many more? Take a bold step and do the needful. God is by your side. It shall end in praise, as it did for Jacob.
MFM Daily Devotional 3 April 2023 PRAYER POINTS
1. Father Lord, take away from me every attribute of the old man and make me new, in the name of Jesus.
2. Holy Spirit, burn to ashes with Your tire, every ungodliness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every confidence in the flesh, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
4. I cast away the old man and his ways of life and put on Christ’s likeness, by the power of God, in the name
of Jesus.
5. Anything in me contending with godliness, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Arise, O God, and make me a new man, in the name of Jesus.
7. I make peace with my past and I receive a greater future, by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.