Topic: Consequences Of Disobedience
FIRE SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Memory verse: Romans 1:18
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Motivational Quote: The secret of all failures is disobedience.
Prophetic Word: Every grip of darkness upon your spirit man shall break by fire and by thunder, in the name of Jesus
MFM Daily Devotional 2nd November 2021 Outline
There are dire consequences for living life without God. Many homes claim to be for God but in reality, they are far away from doing His bidding. Today, one of the major reasons the world is in shambles is the spirit of disobedience. Disobedience is to reject divine injunction or authority. It is the act of arrant disregard for heavenly authority.
It is very sad to note that the disobedience displayed in the body of Christ today is legendary, which is a clear signal that the devil has invaded the Church. The consequences of disobedience are quite numerous, but let’s look at few characters in the Scriptures and the negative impact of disobedience on their lives.
Adam disobeyed a clear instruction and he was evicted from Eden. Many are suffering today because they refused to heed godly counsel. King Saul disobeyed Prophet Samuel’s counsel and his reign was cut short.
The young prophet was diverted when he followed the counsel of the old prophet and he got killed by a lion. The same spirit of disobedience robbed Samson and Solomon of the grace to end well. I pray that the spirit of disobedience will not enter into your life, in Jesus’ name.
Disobedience is neglecting God’s leadership and going our own way. It is choosing to lean on your own understanding instead of trusting God with all your heart. It is not doing the right thing in the right way and at the right time for God.
The consequences of disobedience are numerous:
First, it leads to confusion and frustration. The builders of the Tower of Babel were disobedient and God scattered them in the face of the earth, leaving them frustrated. Disobedience also leads to loss, regret and pain.
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When God rejected Saul, Israel’s first king, his appeal to Prophet Samuel showed the magnitude of Saul’s loss, pain and regret.
Finally, disobedience will make God to discipline a believer. Though God called David a man after His own heart, He disciplined David when he sinned against Him on the issue of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, her husband.
Beloved, I encourage you to pray the spirit of disobedience out of your life.
1. Thou spirit of disobedience, I bind you, in the name of Jesus.
2. Wasters, my life is not your victim, die in the name of Jesus.
3. By the blood of Jesus, I claim victory over the enemies of my soul, in the name of Jesus.
4. Night caterers, eat your food and die, in the name of Jesus.
5. Spirit of the end times, my life is not your hiding place, die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Holy Ghost fire, laminate my life by fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. Fire of holiness, possess my spirit, soul and body, in the name of Jesus.
MFM Daily Devotional 2nd November 2021 Monday Mountain Top Life Message. The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) is a Pentecostal denomination founded in Yaba, Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria in 1989, now with churches in several countries. It was founded by Daniel Kolawole Olukoya.
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