MFM Daily Devotional 22 July 2024

TOPIC: Dealing With The Root Of Bitterness (IV)

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 128; Psalms 129; 2 Timothy 1; 2 Timothy 2

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:54-62
54 Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priest’s house. And Peter followed afar off.

55 And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them.

56 But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him.

57 And he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not.

58 And after a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not.

59 And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a Galilaean.

60 And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew.

61 And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.

And Peter went out, and wept bitterly
Luke 22:62

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: We are all here for a reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.

PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: The devil’s contention over your life shall fail woefully, in the name of Jesus name


Dealing with the root of bitterness is so important that it cannot be overemphasised. At times, you may not necessarily be the recipient but the main actor.

Jesus warned Peter to be careful of temptation from satan (Luke 22:31-34). Rather than pay attention and pray it out, his overconfidence would not allow him until he fell for it (Luke 22:57-58, 6061). The Bible records in verse 62, “And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.”

Yes, Peter felt bad to have betrayed his Master’s love in an inconsequential moment, but he did not allow that to halt his ministerial destiny. He refused to entertain bitterness; rather, he forgave himself and moved on. Jesus, our greatest example of love, also did not hold Peter’s action against him since He had earlier forewarned him. Little wonder, when Jesus came back after His resurrection, He literally handed over the work of ministry to Peter (John 21:15-19) and he joyfully took up the challenge.

READ MFM Daily Devotional 18 July 2024 – Dealing With The Root Of Bitterness (II)

Jesus did not give up on Peter, neither did Peter give up on himself. By the time we saw Peter again in Acts of the Apostles, he had become a Spirit-filled, vibrant, fire-brand Apostle who often stood up boldly before the Jewish leaders to defend the Christian faith.

Beloved, what is that supposedly unpardonable sin you have committed, especially in time past, probably during ignorance? Acts 17:30 says: “Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” Confess and repent of your sin(s) before your Maker, receive His forgiveness and endeavour to forgive yourself.

Yes, you shouldn’t have done it but you did! Nevertheless, let go of the bitterness against yourself or against anyone whatsoever. God has not given up on you, refuse to give up on yourself either. Exchange that bitterness with love today and you will be glad you did!


Every satanic contention for my destiny, be disappointed, in the name of Jesus.

2. Satanic agenda for my destiny, be terminated, in the name of Jesus.
3. Anything in my foundation working against my favour, be uprooted, in the name of
4. I receive grace to forgive myself for my past mistakes, in the name of Jesus.
5. I refuse to be a candidate of error and mistake, in the name of Jesus.
6. My life will not disappoint God, in the name of Jesus.
7. The devil will not write the last chapter of my life, in the name of Jesus.