MFM Daily Devotional 11 March 2022 

TOPIC:  The Great Commission (II)

MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 11:30 – “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES:Do the work of an evangelist and be richly blessed.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: As you invite people to the kingdom of God, you yourself shall not be a castaway in the mighty Name of Jesus.

PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 14–16; Mark 12:28–44

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:34-40

MFM Daily Devotional 11 March 2022  MESSAGE

The Church of God, which is you and I, is the representative of Jesus Christ on earth and we are to call the spiritually sick (sinners) to the healing touch of our Lord and Saviour, recognising in them the dignity of God’s creation, no matter how far they have fallen, trusting that no one is beyond Christ’s love and power to be redeemed.

God does not despise the broken; neither should you. Rather, you are to imitate the One who came to seek and save the lost — no matter what type of bonds enslave and cripple them. Jesus identifies strongly with the weak, the helpless and the outcast. He considers the way you treat them to be the way you treat Him. He wants you to identify with them as well, putting yourself in their shoes and caring for them.

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God seeks to set the prisoners free, not from physical prisons but from their imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion, and foolish choices. Jesus is the Only Source of this freedom. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! The society may intend that damnation should be the end of sinners, but God does not give up on them. He pursues them in love, expecting refinement and transformation from them.

Beloved, I encourage you to have a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly schedule for your personal witnessing and soul winning. Make out time for this important exercise. Prayerfully design strategies for bringing souls into God’s kingdom. When you rely on the Holy Spirit and follow His leading on this, you will never fail. God counts on you! You are assured of your heavenly reward as He has promised.

You should also seek the help of the Holy Spirit prayerfully for strategies and tools to apply in your soul winning exercise, especially in this age of technological advancement and new media.

Prayer Points:

1. Holy Spirit of God, take control of my life, in the Name of Jesus.
2. O Lord, arise and give me the burden for lost souls, in the Name of Jesus.
3. O God my Father, make me a fisher of men, in the Name of Jesus.

4. Holy Spirit, empower me to do exploits for You, in the Name of Jesus.
5. Powers, attacking my spiritual life, die, in the Name of Jesus.
6. I will not return to my Maker empty handed; I shall wear a crown of glory, by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus.
7. Father, establish every new convert in Your will and fill them with faith in You, in the Name of Jesus.