MFM Daily Devotional 11 December 2024
TOPIC: Power Over Satanic Weapons
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jonah 1; Jonah 2; James 4; James 5
FIRE SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 54:14-17
And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.
Acts 28:5
MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Do not be afraid, those who are with you are more than those who are with them, in the name of Jesus.
PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.
PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: No weapon formed against you shall prosper. The devices of the enemy shall be of non effect in your life, in the name of Jesus.
MFM Daily Devotional 11 December 2024 Message
You do not have to tell the enemy to refrain from making use of satanic weapons. When weapons are set in motion against the children of God, as a matter of necessity, the weapons must fall back upon the forces that set them in motion. People’s hair or parts of the body could be cut off. Spiritual or physical snakes could be sent to someone. These are wicked arrows.
A sister testified that somebody told her that if she got promoted to a particular post, she would not live to enjoy the position. She thought it was a joke. While drinking tea one morning, she felt something cold on her legs. When she looked at the object, it was a big snake.
She called in her messenger who was a huge and strong man. But he ran out when he entered and saw the serpent coiled around her legs. At that stage, the woman knew that she was on her own. Then, she prayed one prayer point: “You evil serpent, be electrocuted, in Jesus’ name.” As she said the prayer, suddenly, she saw fear in the eyes of the snake. What happened next was that it stretched itself out and died. If that sister had not known what to do, she would have died before her time.
READ MFM Daily Devotional 10 Dec 2024 – I Will Build My Church
When people are fed with food in the dream or with what they would not ordinarily eat, they are being attacked with a wicked stone. Having sexual intercourse with the opposite sex in the dream is the effect of an arrow of the wicked. Receiving emergency false alarm from home that a close relative is dying, only to be told on getting home that nobody was dying, but that they used that method to get you to come to the village because they had not seen you in a very long time is also the impact of an arrow of the wicked, against which you need to pray.
Beloved, for you to make the weapons and devices of the enemy of no effect in your life as Apostle Paul and the woman in the foregoing story did, you must put on the whole armour of God. You’re a soldier, act as one. Unleash terror against the enemy and his weapons. You are more than a conqueror!
1. Every serpent and scorpion working against my destiny, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, make the devices of my enemies of no effect in my life, in the name of Jesus.
3. Wicked arrows fired into my life, go back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
4. O God, arise, unleash terror against my enemies and their weapons, in the name of Jesus.
5. Wickedness of my father’s house, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Father, let evil slay the wicked and let them that hate me become desolate, in the name of Jesus.
7. I destroy satanic embargoes by fire, in the name of Jesus.