MFM Daily Devotional 10 September 2023

TOPIC: Lessons from The Life of Judas (II)

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

1 Corinthians 10:12

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: The devil is not asleep over the life of any Christian; he is only waiting for time. Be watchful and vigilant!

I decree upon your life; you will not fall from grace. Receive the power to move from glory to glory, in the name of Jesus.

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Mark 14:10-11

PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 25 – 26; Mark 7 – 8

MFM Daily Devotional 10 September 2023 MESSAGE

Yesterday, we started to look at the life of Judas Iscariot. We saw how he started well but couldn’t finish well because something went wrong along the line. What went wrong? Let us see as we do a further study on his life. We shall continue our study of Judas Iscariot today.

Judas confused the gift of the Spirit for the fruit of the Spirit. He, no doubt, was anointed because he, along with other disciples, was endowed with power. He worked miracles and cast out devils. But then, his spiritual life was draining. He must have concentrated too much on the spiritual gifts that he wasn’t bothered about possessing the fruit of the Spirit. At a point, he was drifting back to his old ways but because he still held the big office and the big title, and perhaps signs and wonders were still following his ministry, he couldn’t come to terms with his invisible backsliding state until it was too late for him. He forgot that leaders can also be tall.

READ MFM Daily Devotional 9 September 2023 – Lessons from The Life of Judas Iscariot (I)

How did a leader with such a high office fall from grace to grass? How did Judas completely miss the mark? We learn from the scriptures the inner battles in the life of Judas. He loved money and the devil got him through what he loved. The devil will not get us, in Jesus’ name.

It is important to note the fact that your position as a Christian does not make you immune to satan’s attack. The devil came to Jesus, how much more a mere man? Dear brother, the devil is not asleep over the life of any Christian; he is only waiting for an apportioned time. This is why we need to always pray for ourselves and our leaders. They are humans too.

They also have secret pains and burdens. The fact that you are a member or worker in a church does not guarantee your salvation. Salvation is a personal experience. After being born again, there is a need to work out your salvation by letting the fruit of the Spirit have its full work until the image of Christ is formed in you.

MFM Daily Devotional 10 September 2023 PRAYER POINTS

1. Father Lord, prune me, until Your life is formed in me, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father Lord, open my eyes to see the areas of my life I need to work on, in the name of Jesus.
3. Seed of iniquity, lying low in my life, waiting for time to destroy me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

4. Property of hell fire in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
5. Any weakness in me, waiting to disgrace me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Fruit of the Spirit, possess my totality, in the name of Jesus.
7. Nature of Christ, overshadows human nature, in the name of Jesus.