MFM Daily Devotional 1 October 2022

TOPIC: Bear One Another’s Burden

Galatians 6:2 – “Bear ye one another’s burden, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

The mark of a true Christian is that he imitates Jesus.

Today, God will fill your heart with His unconditional love for others, in the name of Jesus.

Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:1-9; Phil 2:12-30. Psalm 115:12-18

Jeremiah 40:1-4

MFM Daily Devotional 1 October 2022 OUTLINE

The Bible commands believers to bear one another’s burden (Galatians 6:2). However, several incidents in the Bible and in our days show that this important Bible command has been largely neglected. That is why the issue should be a matter of great prayer and concern today.

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Our Fire Scripture for today reveals that when Jeremiah was in need of help, he did not find it through his own people but through Nebuzaradan, one of the oppressors of his people. The man was the commander of the imperial guard. He had found Jeremiah bound in chains among the captives from Jerusalem and Judah who were being carried into exile to Babylon, he set him free and promised to take care of him.

MFM 70 Days Fasting And Prayer 1 October 2022 Day 5 Prayer Points

The point here is that it is sad and sobering that God’s people meet with more kindness from unbelievers than they do from their Christian brothers and sisters. Someone might say that Jeremiah’s incident happened in the Old Testament. Let me share with you a similar incident in the New Testament. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. In that story, a traveller was attacked by armed robbers, dispossessed of his belongings and left half dead.

MFM Daily Devotional 1 October 2022 Dr D.K Olukoya

The Bible says that a priest saw him in that pitiable condition but just passed him by. A Levite saw him too but didn’t help him. Then came the Samaritan. Culturally, Samaritans and Jews do not relate well. Yet, the Samaritan stopped, treated the man’s wound and carried him to an inn where he paid for him to be taken care of with a promise that he would complete the payment when returning from his trip.

WATCH: ?MFM October 2022 PMCH – FAMILY DELIVERANCE (Dr D. K. Olukoya)

It was help from unexpected quarters. However, it is not enough to say, “Help is help. The important thing is that the man got help. Where he did does not matter.” It does matter because the Bible says and expects that the Jew’s brothers and sisters in faith should have been the first to rally round him and help him.

That did not happen and it means they did not fulfill the law of Beloved, if you are guilty of not bearing the burden of your fellow believers, turn a new leaf today!

MFM Daily Devotional 1 October 2022  PRAYER POINTS

1. Father, give me the grace to love other selflessly as You do, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, empower me to be my brother’s keeper, in the name of Jesus.
3. Holy Spirit, help me to bear the burden of others, in the name of Jesus.

4. Father, forgive me for occasions that I did not help my fellow Christians when I ought to, in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, give me passion for souls, in the name of Jesus.
6. Thank You, Father, for sending me help from expected and unexpected quarters, in the name of Jesus.