Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional May 16, 2022
TOPIC: It Is Never Too Late
SCRIPTURE: Jesus said, Take away the stone. Martha, the sister of the dead man, exclaimed, But Lord., by this time he [is decaying and] throws off an offensive odor, for he has been dead four days! – John 11:39 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional May 16, 2022 MESSAGE
Like Martha, we may think it is too late for God to help us with our problems because we have had them too long or they are too difficult to solve. But God reveals over and over in His Word that nothing is impossible for Him to do. If He can raise a man from the dead, surely He can raise up a lost son, or a dead marriage, or perhaps a dead dream for the future.
I want to encourage you not to give up on anyone or anything. Talk to God about it and give Him a chance to work in your life and circumstances. Be patient and expect something good to happen!
Prayer Starter: Father, I know You can do anything, so I am going to ask You for
everything I want and need!