Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional May 15, 2022
TOPIC: Jealous Love
Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love?
James 4:5 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional May 15, 2022
Today’s verse sums up the fact that the Holy Spirit wants to be made welcome in our lives. In fact, He yearns for fellowship with us.
According to James 4:4, which precedes today’s verse, when we pay more attention to the things of the world than we do to God, He looks upon us as an unfaithful wife having an illicit love affair with the world and breaking our marriage vow to Him. To keep us faithful to Him, sometimes He must remove things from our lives when He sees they are keeping us from Him.
If we allow a job to come between God and ourselves, we may lose it. If money separates us from Him, we may have to learn we are better off with less money and things than alienated from God.
If success gets in the way of our relationship with our heavenly Father, we may get demoted instead of promoted. If our friends take first place over God in our lives, we may lose some of our friends.
Multitudes of people fail to realize that they never receive the things they want because they don’t really put God first. God is jealous for you; He wants first place in your life. Nothing else will do.
Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for loving me and wanting to be in fellowship with me. Reveal to me anything that is taking up too much time in my life and keeping me from You.