Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional June 19, 2022
TOPIC: Expect Something New
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3 (NIV)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional June 19, 2022 MESSAGE
If you get up and do the exact same thing every morning, you may get pretty bored after a month or so. But seeking God when you first wake up is never boring. He will always have a new revelation for you to hear
Keep your expectation fresh by changing what you do in your time with God. You might worship the Lord with singing one morning, listen to Christian music another morning, read God’s Word the third morning, sit in His presence or confess His Word the following morning. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you learn to enjoy starting your day with God.
PRAYER STARTER: Father, thank You for meeting me every morning to start my day. There’s no better way to get the day started right than spending time with You.