Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional June 13, 2022
TOPIC: Drawing Upon God’s Strength
Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]: draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].
– Ephesians 6:10 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional June 13, 2022 MESSAGE
Say aloud to yourself, “I was bought and cleansed from sin with a price: purchased with a preciousness; paid for and made God’s own.” You are delivered from sin and all the ‘death” it brings with it.
An important secret to being successful in any task that is set before you is to draw on God’s strength. Your strength will run out eventually, but God’s strength never will. Many times in my life I have been in situations not knowing what to do, but God always helped me and brought me through to a place of victory. Each time He met me with His strength that l desperately needed in order to be successful. You can expect God to do the same thing for you no matter what challenges you are facing right now. God is your strength!
In Ephesians 6:10, Paul assures us that God will pour strength into our lives as we live
in close relationship with Him. And the prophet Isaiah says that those who have learned the secret of waiting on the Lord “shall mount up with wings as eagles” (see Isaiah 40:31 KJV).
These scriptures, and others like them, show us that we are strengthened as we go to God for what we are lacking. God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He is with us each step of our journey and He gives us the strength we need when we need it.
Prayer Starter: Father God, I know You want to do more than just give me strength. You want to be my strength. Thank You for that strength, amen.