Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 1, 2022
TOPIC: Faith is Active
SCRIPTURE: The apostles said to the Lord, increase our faith (that trust and confidence that spring from our belief in God). – Luke 17:5 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 1, 2022
Many people, maybe even you, pray to have “great faith,” but it doesn’t come through
prayer alone. It is built little by little as we step out in obedience to what God has asked us to do.
He may even ask us to do things we have not had any experience doing or may not totally understand, but as we step out, we experience God’s faithfulness, and our faith grows.
God sometimes gives people a gift of faith for a certain situation in their lives, but normally faith becomes great through experience. Our faith grows deeper, stronger, and greater as we exercise it.
In the verse for today, the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith. He responded
by telling them in Luke 17:6 that they needed to act on their faith in order for it to
increase. The same is true for us today. One way we demonstrate our faith is by doing
things; faith often requires action.
Certainly, there are times when God wants us to wait on Him to act on our behalf, but there are other times when we need to prove that we have faith by doing something.
When we want to grow in our faith, we need to be willing to wait expectantly or take action according to God’s Word to us, but our faith will not increase while we do nothing.
Prayer Starter: God, I want to continually increase my faith. Please prompt me to take
action or to wait expectantly, and help me to follow Your leadership, amen.