Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional April 25, 2022
TOPIC: Knowing Who You Are On The Way To Where You’re Going
TODAY’S VERSE: “Fear not, for you shall not be ashamed; neither be confounded and depressed, for you shall not be put to shame. For you shall forget the shame of your youth, and you shall not [seriously] remember the reproach of your widowhood any more.” Isaiah 54:4 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional April 25, 2022, MESSAGE
It’s important that we embrace and accept ourselves. Ask yourself if you like yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you are going to have a hard time liking anyone else. If you’re unhappy with yourself, you’ll have trouble with others.
When we are in close relationship with the Lord, we can be relaxed and at ease, knowing that our acceptance is not based on our performance or perfect behavior, but on the work Christ has done for and in us. It is based on our personal relationship with Jesus.
To like ourselves simply means we accept ourselves as God’s creation. We don’t need to like everything we do in order to like and accept ourselves. God loves us unconditionally, and even when we make mistakes, we are no less His child.
I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror every morning and say, “I like myself. I am a child of God, and He loves me. I have gifts and talents. I am a special person—and I like and accept myself.” If you do that and really believe it, it will work wonders in helping you accept the person God created you to be.
Prayer Starter: Father, help me to be at peace with my past, content with the present time, sure about my future—all while knowing that all of this is in Your loving hands, amen.