Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional April 20, 2022
TOPIC: Thank God For His Mercy
TODAY’S VERSE: “But I have trusted, leaned on, and been confident in Your mercy and loving-kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in high spirits in Your salvation.” Psalm 13:5 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional April 20, 2022 MESSAGE
God is slow to anger and plenteous in mercy (see Psalm 103:8). It is impossible to deserve mercy, and that is why it is such a waste of time to try to pay for our mistakes with good works or guilt. We don’t deserve mercy, but God gives it freely. This free gift is something to be thankful for!
Mercy overrides “the rules.” You may have grown up in a home that had lots of rules, and if you broke any of them, you got into trouble. Although God does intend for us to keep His commands, He understands our nature and is ready to extend mercy to anyone who will ask for and receive it.
When we learn to receive mercy, then we will also be able to give it to others—and mercy is something many people seriously need.
Prayer Starter: Thank You, Father, for the way You extend mercy to me each and every day. I desire to please You in everything I do, but I thank You that when I fall short, You never fail to bless me with the free gift of Your love and mercy.