Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 24 February 2022
Topic: Your Daily Dose Of Faith
Scripture: Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer 24 February 2022 Daily Devotional MESSAGE
We have the privilege of trusting God daily to meet every need that we have—faith to pay the bills, keep a good job, raise the kids, make marriage work, get along with people, and so on.
Daily faith is vital if we are going to eliminate stress and enjoy life. Faith leaves no room for worry and it drives out fear. Learning to trust God in every situation will help you overcome worry and anxiety.
Daily faith is filled with hopeful expectation, and it never gives up. Each new day is a new opportunity to see God do something amazing. A saying I like is: “When faith goes to the market, it always takes a basket.” Keep your basket handy because God may fill it at any moment.
Question of the Day
Prayer Starter: Thank you, Father, for the gift and privilege of trusting You to meet my daily needs—whatever those needs might be.
Joyce Meyer 24 February 2022 Daily Devotional Message taken From the book The Power of Being Thankful – by