Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 18 February 2022
TOPIC: Hold On, Help Is On The Way
SCRIPTURE: O God, be not far from me! O my God, make the hast to help me!
Psalm 71:12 (AMPC)
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 18 February 2022 MESSAGE
When we pray and ask God to do something for us, receiving an answer requires faith and patience. The devil tries to make us think that God is not going to come through for us, but we should simply hold on because help is on the way.
I believe that the moment we pray in faith, God begins to work. I have developed a habit of saying, “God is working in my life right now!” Making that declaration reminds me to stay calm, and it releases words of faith in the atmosphere that God can work with.
The devil hates to hear a confession that is full of faith. He wants us to speak out words of doubt and fear. Paul taught the Romans that we serve a God who calls things that do not yet exist as if they already do (see Romans 4:17). We should do things the way God does them if we want to get a godly result.
Often, breakthroughs and answered prayers take longer than we would like them to, but just because we don’t see anything doesn’t mean that God isn’t working. As long as we believe God and trust Him, He is working! When fear knocks on your door, or when doubt visits you, simply say out loud, “I’m holding on because help is on the way!”
PRAYER STARTER: Father, please help me to be strong in faith until my breakthrough comes. I know You are faithful and I believe You are working in my life, amen.