Topic: The Servant Test

Scripture: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

Message: The closer we get to God, the more opportunities He gives us to serve others. I say “opportunities” because that is the way we need to view serving others. Every time we serve others, it not only blesses them, but it also brings tremendous joy to our lives. Jesus gave us an example of being a servant by washing the feet of the disciples and then saying, …You should do [in your turn] what I have done to you (John 13:15 AMPC).

Some people fail to live as servants because they don’t know who they are in Christ. They feel they must be doing something they consider “important” to find a sense of self-worth. They fail to understand that their identity comes from who they are in Christ, not how prestigious their career or platform is. When you are secure in your place in Christ, and when you find your strength and confidence in God, you take great joy in helping others every chance you get.


The “servant test” is simply how we respond to the opportunities God gives us to be a blessing to others. It reveals whether we really and truly want to be like Jesus. God has blessed and made us a blessing! God’s blessings are never meant to be consumed solely on ourselves, but always to be shared with those around us.

How do I do better at focusing on others? Look for ways to serve others today, including those in your own home. This will be a great experience for you and for them. The Servant Test

Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me opportunities to serve others. Please help me to never miss one of those opportunities, amen!

DCLM Daily Manna 11th October 2021 – What Does God Think Of You

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 11 October 2021 Message for Monday– Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Joyce and her husband Dave have four grown children.

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