In Touch Daily Devotion 10 January 2022
Topic: A Pattern for Prayer
Are your conversations with God primarily a checklist of needs? Petitions are certainly appropriate, but prayer is also a time to focus on the Lord in love and worship. When praying to our Father in heaven, we should ponder three things that today’s passage indicates are important to Him: His name, His kingdom, and His will (Matt. 6:9-10).
Hallowed be Your name. While the goal is to honor and exalt God, our prayers can easily become self-centered. This can be an issue in public prayer if we try to exalt ourselves in the eyes of others. But it can also happen privately when we focus only on what we want God to do.
Your kingdom come. Praying for God’s coming kingdom means setting our hope on Christ’s future reign while submitting to His rule over our life now.
Your will be done. No matter how much we want the Lord to answer our prayers the way we desire, every petition must be readily submitted to God’s will. It is a way of acknowledging that His way is always best.
The next time you pray, make a point of pondering the Lord’s greatness, exalting Him, and humbly submitting your will to His.
Bible in One Year: Genesis 32-35
Read Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 10 January 2022 – God Keeps Watch