GoodNews Daily Devotional 30 November 2021
Topic: Money Is A Tool
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:19
A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
Goodnews Daily Devotional 30 November 2021
Most people attend churches to get a miracle that money can fix. In fact, ninety per cent of prayer requests would disappear if the requesters simply had enough money. The Bible says that money answereth all things. That means wherever you see people struggling and arguing, the subject of money has been introduced. Everything is tied to money. The problem is many Christians who need money the most are the ones who speak most negatively about it.
Many Christians are uncomfortable talking about money because they were taught that money is inherently evil. It is not. Money is spiritual. It takes the form of its owner and listens to its owner. For example, the money of a drug addict becomes drug money. The money of a savvy business person becomes an investment that makes more money. The money of a giver becomes seed.
Christians are the most qualified people to have money. We are the designated caretakers of the wealth of this world. You are supposed to have money, you and your generations. Learn to be comfortable talking about money in a positive way, especially if you want more of it. Practice, and keep talking about it. As you keep talking, money will answer.
Money will never be a problem for me. I have conquered money. I can get it at any time. When there is no money, I create it. My wallet has money. My bank account has money. I call money into being. Money comes to me from everywhere, in the Name of Jesus!
Proverbs 13:22
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