Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
One of my favorite jokes goes like this: The boss walks into the staff meeting. The company is losing money, and the employees are fearful of their jobs. As a result, morale is at an all-time low. The boss tells his managers that he is upset that the morale is so low, and he is determined to fix it.
“What we need around this office is humor,” he emphatically states. “Humor will lift the morale!”
He turns to the sales manager and says, “Humor: let’s start with you. Knock. Knock.”
The sales manager answers sheepishly, “Who’s there?”
“Not you anymore,” the boss replies.
Lots of people today are living in fear and anxiety. Their hearts are not at peace. They are living like the deep sea diver who got the message on his headset, “Come up quick, the ship is sinking!” What do you do with that news?
Did you know that peace is the birthright of every believer in Jesus? God wants you to have peace, His perfect peace, no matter how bleak, black and foreboding your circumstances may be.
The Scripture in Philippians tells us that we are to take our needs, our fears, and our circumstances to the Lord in prayer. We are to cast our burden on Him, and trust Him to sustain us. You see, when we really trust Him, He brings His peace in our hearts, regardless of the raging storm.
It means that you know God is going to take care of you and see you through. It means that you are not worried about an uncertain future because you know God is the One who holds your future, and He will not let you go or let you crash and burn.
Let me illustrate: in January of 2006, my favorite team, The Texas Longhorns, played the USC Trojans for the 2005 National Championship of College Football. The game was a nail-bitter deluxe. The anxiety and trepidation I felt watching that game was off the charts as UT was behind nearly the entire game. How awesome it was to see Vince Young and the Longhorns prevail in the closing seconds with a fourth down and five play that enabled them to walk off the field as National Champs!
Recently, I watched that same game on DVD. This time, there was no anxiety. When it was fourth down with just a few seconds remaining and UT was down by five points, I was relaxed as I could be. I knew how the game ended. We won!
The peace of God comes when you truly believe the victory is already yours in Jesus Christ. Of course you will face trials and problems, but you are not going under, you are going over in Jesus name! He WILL see you through as you trust Him.
According to Philippians 4:6-7, peace that surpasses comprehension is simply a prayer away. Will you lift up that anxiety-filled problem to the Lord and trust Him with it? Will you thank Him for the fourth down and five situation you are facing? It is nothing more than an opportunity for God to work a great miracle in your life.
Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries