Did You Get Hit With Hard News Recently? Read This

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6 (NIV) 

A couple years ago, I was already in such a hard season, and in the moment my doctor said, “Lysa, I’m so sorry, but you have cancer,” everything around me got incredibly quiet and seemed to move very slowly.

I could hear the doctor continuing to talk, but I couldn’t make out his words. I could feel words trying to form in my mouth, but there was no energy to actually speak. I knew I should probably cry, but no tears seemed available.

I am absolutely a woman who believes with all her heart that the presence of God is in the midst of her life. But in that moment, He felt distant and mysterious. I just felt stunned. And then I felt OK. And then I felt stunned again. I wanted to hold it together. But then falling apart seemed quite reasonable.

It’s scary when doctors shock you with test results, and you don’t know what the future holds.

But during that time, God had so many people share simple words that became powerful revelations reminding me how very near God was to me. I think times of desperation often lead us to great revelations if we make the choice to look for and be open to them each day.

One example is an email I got from my friend Shaunti Feldhahn. Her note said, “Lysa, this is news. This is not truth.”

What the doctor gave me was news. Honest news, based on test results and medical facts. But I have access to a Truth that transcends news. What is impossible with human limitations is always possible for a limitless God. Truth factors God into the equation.

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So I find myself looking at the word “impossible” a little differently today. “Impossible,” in light of Shaunti’s note, could be completely different if I just stick an apostrophe between the first two letters. Then it becomes I’m Possible. God is the great I Am. Therefore, He is my possibility for hope and healing.

Maybe you just got some bad news. News of an impossible financial situation. News of an impossible family situation. News of an impossible job situation. News of an impossible friend situation. News of an impossible medical situation. News of an impossible global situation. Whatever news you just got or will get, I pray my friend’s advice helps you too. What you’ve heard is news, and this is God’s Truth:

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

“He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever.” (Psalm 146:6, NIV)

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” (Psalm 73:23, NIV)

One of the greatest comforts to me, no matter what I’m facing, is knowing that, somehow, God will use it for good. God will be my possible in the midst of what can sometimes feel so impossible.

I’m so sorry for whatever it is you’re going through today that’s making the tears flow and your heart sink. I’m praying for you today, my friend. I’m praying that every time the word “impossible” creeps up and starts to steal your hope, you will see the words I’m Possible and hold on to the great I Am. Our God will help us through any news we get and remind us of what’s ultimately true.

God, You are I Am, I’m Possible. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, and You are forever faithful. Help me lean on these truths when the news I receive feels impossible. In my home, in my family and in my circumstances, I trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.