DCLM Daily Manna Thursday 17 Oct 2024

TOPIC: Caught Off Guard

TEXT: Proverbs 7:1-23 (KJV)

“He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.”

Proverbs 7:22,23

DCLM Daily Manna Thursday 17 Oct 2024 MESSAGE

Many people are often confounded by the pull and pressure of seduction or lust. They have no strength to resist it, and so, become repeated victims. But they can learn from the bitter experiences of others, and save themselves heartaches, regrets and losses in this life and in eternity.

Solomon, in his counsel, underlines the vital role God’s word plays in our purity and preservation from sexual immorality. When obeyed, it can transform sinners into saints and fortify saints in holiness. Hence, believers must daily study, meditate on, obey the Word, and allow it to guide all their actions in all areas of life. This is the secret of victory over seducers and tempters wherever they are.

READ DCLM Daily Manna 16 October 2024 – Pray For Your Nation

Today, the Internet has empowered perpetrators of carnality. Those who surf the net or wander aimlessly on social media or the streets can easily be caught off guard and drawn into sin. The scourge of unwanted pregnancies, children out of wedlock, failed marriages, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, unfulfilled dreams, untimely death, and the danger of spending eternity in the lake of fire are exorbitant prices people pay for these sins. Therefore, everyone should heed the command of God to flee fornication.

The pathetic account of the young man in today’s text serves as a severe warning to all. We will end differently from him if we act in fear of God, like Joseph, under similar circumstances. If you are defiled, you should repent and seek forgiveness from the Lord, forsake all your sins and surrender totally to Christ. Thereafter, you should constantly watch over your life and flee every appearance of evil.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Flee all appearances of evil.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Revelation 12-14