DCLM Daily Manna Saturday, April 23, 2022
TOPIC: Put Your Trust In God!
TEXT: Psalm 115:1-11
“Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.” – (Psalm 115:11)
Serving the Lord can be compared to travelling on the countryside. Your journeys will take you over hills and valleys and the greater the distance the more likely the undulating scenes you will witness.
The experience of the psalmist can be compared to the journeys over hills and mountains. In Egypt, Israel saw the power of God pitted against powerless idols. Their adherents honoured and worshipped them to a level where they stopped showing honour and respect to the Almighty God. The heathen mocked the God of Israel by asking, “Where is now their God?” Our God is not moved by people’s opinions. He owes no man any obligation to confirm or refute His existence.
True believers must not be swayed by the negative comments and dispositions of unbelievers to the power of the Almighty. Pharaoh once mocked God too and Nebuchadnezzar equally boasted of his “absolute” power. Our God reigns in the heavens as King overall. At all times, He does “whatsoever he hath pleased”. Our God is unquestionable and unchangeable, and His ways are past finding out.
Today is an important day for you to review your relationship with the Lord and trust Him. Everyone who fears the Lord must trust Him for the future and today’s challenges. Our God is greater than any idol. His power is unlimited and dependable. He took care of the people of old and delivered them from their adversaries. The same God will help and deliver you from all evils, as you trust Him today.
Faith in God minimises our dependence on other things.
Psalm 119:57-176