DCLM Daily Manna Saturday 22 April 2023
TOPIC: Obey The Spirit’s Leading
TEXT: Acts 8:26-40 (KJV)
“Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.”
(Acts 8:29)
DCLM Daily Manna Saturday 22 April 2023 MESSAGE
One of the great virtues of true children of God is obedience. God reserves the right to assign His children to any task He chooses at any time He wishes. Like a good Father, He ensures that all His children are adequately engaged in His work. Philip was such an obedient son who joyfully carried out the Father’s will concerning evangelism.
Philip had been seriously involved in the revival in Samaria. Sinners were getting converted and lives were being transformed. Then God sent an angel to draft him for a special assignment. He was to go and meet a man of Ethiopia, an officer of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of her treasury, and had come to worship in Jerusalem. Philip immediately left everything and went in obedience. He saw the man and following further prompting by the Holy Spirit, he joined his chariot as directed. He preached the gospel to the man and he became converted, and did water baptism.
Philip was obedient to the leading of the Spirit and God blessed his ministerial efforts. Obedience to God always brings blessings. No believer should be so busy as to ignore the leading of God. The most important assignment that He has for us is the preaching of the gospel. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
When He calls you today to leave every other task and to go and preach the gospel or reach out especially to someone in particular, you too like Philip, should obey. Your obedience will attract a rich harvest specially prepared by the Lord Himself.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: There is no blessing outside the realm of obedience.