DCLM Daily Manna Saturday 17 December 2022
TOPIC: Gains of Hospitality
TEXT: 3 John 1:1-14
“Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers.”.
3 John 1:5
DCLM Daily Manna Saturday 17 December 2022 OUTLINE
There is an interesting story told about England’s Queen Victoria. She loved being able to go out and be by herself, without being recognised, so she could mingle with ordinary people. To keep from being noticed, the queen would ‘dress down’ and go out all alone. On one of her walks, it began to rain and she knocked on the door of this old cottage to borrow an umbrella. Not recognising the queen, the elderly woman who answered the door lent her a beat-up umbrella. The next day, a royal messenger returned the lady’s umbrella and he said, “The Queen asked me to return your umbrella.” The elderly woman was heard to say, “If I had only known who it was, I would have given her my best.”
John, the apostle of love, wrote to Gaius to commend his love for the truth and his hospitality both to believers and strangers. Gaius was saluted for his care for the brethren, especially the visiting saints who were apparently unfamiliar to him but were nevertheless well taken care of and accommodated. These saints were on an evangelistic mission and came with a letter of introduction from Apostle John. But Diotrephes, a leader in the church, did not receive them. His action was condemned by the Scripture. The epistle concluded with an admonition to the brethren to follow good examples and continue in Christlike charity.
- Open Heaven Daily Devotional 17 December 2022 – When God Rises
- Catholic Daily Reflections 17 December 2022 – An Amazing Reality
The world will not be convinced and won unto Christ if we do not show love. Besides, God loves the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son for its salvation.
We are commanded to love strangers and throw the doors of our homes and churches open to welcome people who are displaced and distressed. We are to give shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry and clothing to the naked while taking all necessary safety and security precautions.
Without love, the gospel will not sell.
Ezekiel 1-2