DCLM Daily Manna 10 March 2022
TOPIC: God Still Delivers
TEXT: Psalm 18:1-19
“He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.” – (Psalm 18:17,18)
DCLM Daily Manna 10 March 2022 OUTLINE
A young convert was said to have regretted that he did not encounter much calamity before his salvation. He said he would not have great testimonies when others would be reeling off volumes of evidence about the Lord’s greatness in their lives. He claimed that he did not face life-threatening challenges that brought down the mighty arm of the Lord that delivered others.
He was not like David who never ceased to have grave challenges in his life. At a point, David sought refuge in an enemy territory. While human beings harassed him, wild beasts also contended with him, during which he slew a lion and a bear at a young age. God delivered him from all these difficulties.
When the Lord allows us to go through extremely dangerous trials, it is to challenge us to call upon Him with unwavering faith for a way of escape. He comes to our rescue before we are harmed. The reason is to have moving testimonies about His power, compassion and love. This comes up as evidence that He is the God who fulfils His promise that He will never leave nor forsake us.
Presently, the entire world is in the grip of an ailing system that is battling with deadly diseases, environmental problems, crime, political instability, the decline in moral values, etc. The solution remains the adoption of “David’s formula” of calling on the Lord for deliverance. It worked in his day, and it will work again today.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your troubles are too insignificant before God.
THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 15-18