DCLM Daily Manna 10 January 2022

Topic: Cry for Justice

TEXT: Psalm 10:12-18

“Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none” (Psalm 10:15).

DCLM Daily Manna 10 January 2022  OUTLINE

In July 2018, a horrifying video began to circulate on social media. It showed two women and two young children being led away at gunpoint by a group of soldiers, one of them having a baby strapped to her back. The blindfolded victims were forced to the ground and shot 22 times.

The government initially dismissed the video as fake news. But the BBC African Eye, through forensic analysis of the footage, proved exactly where this happened, when it happened, and who were responsible for the killings. This eventually forced the government to arrest the culprits and commence a court trial.

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Crying to God becomes the only option when all appeal to man fails. In our text, the psalmist did exactly that. He appealed to God to intervene by seeking out evil people with a view to exposing and punishing their wicked deeds. He pointed out the poor and the fatherless as those mostly affected by oppressors possibly because they have no one to protect them.

Evil is present everywhere. It is in the heart of every unregenerate man. Wickedness, oppression and injustice can be found in the history of all nations. It shows the extent to which people can go in brutality, especially when there is no authority to hold them accountable or when the authorities themselves are culpable in the matter. This leaves us with no option but to cry unto God who will by no means justify the wicked nor condemn the innocent.

The Lord has an arrangement in place to bring evildoers to account and mete out eternal punishment on them.

God will judge those who oppress the poor.