Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 29 April 2022

TOPIC: I Go A Fishing

TEXTJohn 21:1-14(NKJV)

Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 29 April 2022 MESSAGE

After the death of Jesus, Peter decided to go back to fishing and the others followed him. They were going to catch fish instead of men; they were going back to their past life from which Jesus had called them (Matt. 4:19). The call of Jesus to follow Him, is not a situation-dependent one – to keep following so far as the ship is sailing smoothly and to quit once there is a tempest.

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Little wonder Jesus Himself instructed that we should count the cost of discipleship before taking the first step (Luke 14:26-33). The Apostles were not sure of this way again, and were careful not to ‘waste’ away, so they decided to go back to their former ways. It was a fruitless journey because they did not go with the owner of heaven and earth. Leaving the way of following Jesus is an express ticket to the desert fields of the world, full of activities but ending in futility and doom (Matt. 7:13-14).

Jesus enjoins us to take the yoke upon us for they are easy. Sometimes, the road may seem so strait, full of uncertainties but He has bid us to come that we may find rest both in this life and in that to come (Matt. 11:28-30).

PRAYER: Father, help me to keep following and never to quit, for to whom shall I go if I depart from you?

Daily Fountain Quote of the Day

God says: One day, I will wipe away every tear and take away all your pain. Revelation 21:4