Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 27 April 2022
TOPIC: Master!
TEXT: John 20:11-18(NKJV)
While Peter and John left for their homes, Mary Magdalene stayed back, crying at the ‘disappearance’ of Jesus’ corpse. Sincerely ignorant, she continued searching for whosoever that ‘stole’ the body of Jesus so that she could continue to attend to the body. This level of love and commitment does not go unrewarded. Jesus called her by her first name and she quickly recognised the voice of her Master.
She became the first to see the risen Lord. It is good to know that Jesus knows each of us by name. He calls us by our names and we recognise His voice and follow Him (John 10:27). It is just like a shepherd calling out to his flock.
However, this experience is directly related to how close we are to Him. Just in the same way that a sheep that is trailing behind the Master may not hear the voice of the shepherd, so also a Christian following from afar will not hear the voice of the Master.
An undistracted love for the Master will always take us to a place of intimate relationship and communion with Him, and from this standpoint, we can hear every ‘beat’ of His heart and respond accordingly.
PRAYER: Lord, let my search for you not end at the surface; drive me to a place of deeper search – to the secret place, for therein is your hiding place.
Daily Fountain Quote of the Day
God says: Seek My kingdom first and everything you need will be given to you. Luke 12:31