Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 21 March 2022
TOPIC: The Finger Of God (Second And Third Plagues In Egypt)
TEXT: Exodus 8:1-19(NKJV)
God called Moses to be the deliverer of the Israelites from the captivity in Egypt and performed His mighty acts through him in line with His promise in Exodus 4:17. Starting from Chapter 7 of Exodus, we see God inflicting Pharoah and the Egyptians with a series of plagues, 10 in all.
Our concern today is the second and third plagues. Pharaoh’s magicians were able to copy the plague of frogs which made him disbelieve Moses and as a result, became hardened. However, when the plague of lice was sent from the dust of the earth, the magicians were handicapped, and then exclaimed, ‘This is the finger of God!’ Some people in power equate themselves with God just as Pharoah did. However, they are finite and limited.
We need to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand and acknowledge that God is supreme over all the affairs of men. The finger of God makes the difference in the lives of those who believe in Him.
PRAYER: O Lord, may your finger rest upon me today and make a difference in my life in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.
Daily Fountain Quote of the Day
God says: Thousands fall around you, but you will not be harmed. Psalm 91:7