Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 21 July 2022

TOPIC: Consequences of Rebellion

TEXT: Ezekiel 20:21-38 (NKJV)

God warned His people about the consequences of disobedience and rebellion in Deuteronomy 28:15ff. In our text today, God accused the children of Israel of rebelling against Him and through His Prophet, made them to know the consequences of their actions. He accused them of not walking in His statutes and not observing His judgment. (v.21a).

The verdict of God on these rebellious children of Israel was that He would pour out His fury on them and fulfil His anger against them (v.21b). Disobedience always attracts God’s punishment; God does not celebrate the rebellious but looks favourably at those who tremble at His word.

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There are devastating experiences for those who turn against the word of God. Whatever causes a man to turn away from the will of God is more or less an idol. Anything that takes over the place of God in your life, or your devotion and commitment to God is tantamount to idolatry and rebellion. There is virtually no gain in rebellion. As a matter of fact, it is compared with witchcraft (1Samuel 15:23).

Rebellion is disobedience and it is the opposite of living right. You do not need to experience the consequences of disobedience before you devote yourself to righteous living. In case you are currently reaping the fruits of your rebellion, it is the desire of God that henceforth you amend your ways and be determined to obediently follow Him even when it is not convenient.

PRAYER: The Kingdom of God is not for the anointed but for the obedient.