Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 13 April 2022
TOPIC: …And …The Cock Crew
TEXT: Luke 22:54-71(NKJV)
Daily Fountain Devotional 13 April 2022 MESSAGE
Jesus had told Peter that he, Peter, would deny Him. Instead of praying and asking God for help, Peter presumed that he could not deny Jesus for any reason. However, Peter denied Him three times. Sometimes, we mistake presumption for faith. We forget that in the days of temptation, it is not our presumption that will deliver us but the grace of God.
And we need to activate that grace by prayer, watchfulness and dependence on God. Are you facing a temptation or a trial? Watch and pray! Depend on God. Cry for His help, for by strength shall no man prevail. The arm of flesh will fail you.
If you fail to depend on God, the ‘cock’ will soon crow, and you will discover how flat you have fallen. Seek the Lord and receive His help today.
PRAYER: Lord, deliver me from the sin of presumption and help me to watch and pray at all times.
Daily Fountain Quote of the Day
God says: I will always build you up, not pull you down. Jeremiah 24:6