Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 12 March 2022

TOPIC: Jesus Christ: A New And Better Covenant

TEXTHebrews 8:1-13 (NKJV)

STUDY: Our text today is a description of the Lord Jesus Christ as our High Priest of the New Covenant. The writer shows the difference between the Old Mosaic Covenant and the New Messianic Covenant. The Old was a shadow of the New. The priesthood was of the tribe of Levi and they made daily sacrifices for the remission of sins.

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In the New Covenant, the priesthood is of Jesus Christ who made by His one oblation of Himself, once offered, a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father is our Intercessor. The church today is the spiritual Israel and the New covenant promises therefore belong to the body of Christ (Eph. 2:11-22).

The features of the new Covenant are no longer external laws but laws written on our hearts and in our minds by the Spirit of God who reminds us of them. Just as Moses built the tabernacle according to the pattern given to him by God, we should also build our lives according to the teachings on Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that through the blood of Jesus we have a new and better covenant. Help me to live my life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you. Amen.

Daily Fountain Quote of the Day

God says

I have blessed you in Christ with every heavenly blessing. Ephesians 1:3