Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 11 April 2022
TOPIC: Provided As Predicted
TEXT: Luke 22:1-23(NKJV)
Jesus was to hold the Passover with His disciples before His crucifixion, so He directed Peter and John to “…go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat” (v.8). The two disciples asked Jesus a logical question; “…where will thou that we prepare” the Passover? Then Jesus gave them the guideposts for the urgent need of a venue for the Passover. From the story above, we see that if we are committed to the will of God and the purpose of the “Passover”, He will certainly provide all things necessary for the feast.
Are you faced with a need or challenge? Involve Jesus! Ask Him where He wills that you prepare the ‘Passover’; then you will see that once your need becomes an agenda before the table of heaven, whatever that need is, it shall be provided as predicted by Jesus.
PRAYER: Lord, give me the direction and discernment to fulfil your purpose for my life, Amen!
Daily Fountain Quote of the Day
God says: The good things that I have planned for you are too many to count. Psalm 40:5