A Prayer When You Need God’s Help through Your Trials
By: Betsy de Cruz
“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” – Psalm 146:5-6
Any parent knows airplane flights are sheer torture with kids under three. We lived overseas, so during our baby years, visiting the United States meant a 24-hour journey. Even as infants, neither child ever slept a wink during our long, trans-Atlantic flights, until the plane started to land. Then they’d wake up and howl as we got off the plane. At the start of each journey, I’d psych myself up with these words: “No matter how bad this gets, it will all be over in 24 hours.”
And it was true. Trying to comfort a screaming child while everyone on the plane stared felt like a horror movie, but no trip lasted forever. God got me through each one. I’m not going to lie; those trips were grueling, but I did learn an important lesson.
No challenge lasts forever, and God helps us through every one.
What challenges are you looking at today, friend? Maybe you wonder how on earth you’ll be able to pack your house and move. Perhaps you doubt you have the strength to finish your project at work, make it through the surgery, or survive your teen’s football season.
No matter what you’re going through, God will get you through. In all things, you have hope because the God who made heaven and earth is your helper. If His power created mountains, He can help you cross yours. If He raised Jesus from the dead, He can breathe new life and strength into you.
God helped me when my teen struggled with serious depression and my husband had a mini-stroke. We’ve seen His faithfulness through a job change, illness, financial trouble, and an international move with a dog. In every challenge, I’ve had the blessing of God’s sustaining presence.
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He will help you too. God is waiting for you to call on Him. What do you need? Strength for the day? Comfort for your broken heart? Wisdom to choose the right path? Hope to see you through? Your Helper is able to do more than you can ask or imagine.
We have the hope of God’s help today and the blessing of His presence surrounding us always.
Let’s call on our Helper:
Lord Jesus,
You are my help and hope. Even when I cannot see it, I know you are working all things for my good, and I praise you for your great power and faithful love. Thank you for the gift of hope and the blessing of your presence surrounding me. I believe you will sustain me today and all my days, and I have the hope of eternal life to look forward to.
Lord, I draw near to you in faith that you will draw near to me. I surrender my circumstances to you, and I acknowledge that without you I am powerless. Have mercy on me and help me, Lord. Would you help me remember your presence in my challenges? Pour your Holy Spirit over me and strengthen my heart. You know my needs; help me to trust you will provide. You know the decisions before me; give me your wisdom.
Father, I base my hope in the resurrection of Jesus and the promises I find in Scripture. Show your power in my life and give me the grace I need to believe. Help me trust you will see me through. I fear no evil for you are with me.
In Jesus’ name,