Prayer to Remember You Matter to God
By: Alisha Headley

“By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples…you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:8,16)

We all want to matter in this world. The truth is we do matter, already, exactly as we are, wherever we are, and no matter what we’ve done up unto this point. Everything changes when you let your Maker show you why you matter. The One who fashionably knit you together one thread at a time in your mother’s womb, who created you and the world we live in, says that you matter immensely to Him. It’s God that we must look to, to truly recognize our worth in this world.

God uses everything in your life for His purpose, Everything. It all matters – every ounce of it. Nothing is dropped, nothing is discredited. God wants you to flourish and grow in Him, and bear fruit for Him. We do this by giving ourselves fully to His faithful ways, trusting our lives in the hands of the master Gardner. It is then that we can grow and bear fruit and come to realize it all matters.

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Every small or large seed He plants in your life is intended to grow into fruit. Yes, even the painful, hurtful things planted in your life can become fruit for His greater purpose. He will use it all for His glory just as He promises us in Romans 8:28, saying “He works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

Your failures matter, your relationships matter, your childhood matters, your past matters, your present matter, your dreams matter, your work matters, your tears matter, your pain matters, your prayers matter, your voice matters. You dear brother and sister in Christ, YOU matter.

We were chosen to bear fruit, so take every seed planted and surrender it to the Lord for it all matters. Allow Him to water and flourish it so we can bear fruit for the glory of Him, our Maker.

Let’s pray.

Dear God,
Thank you for forming us uniquely, making us one-of-a-kind and choosing us for a purpose. Thank you that you appointed us as modern-day disciples to bear fruit for your Kingdom. Often, we wish away seasons and seeds of pain, but Lord, we pray that we would learn to embrace everything you plant in our life, for we know that trials of any kind still produce fruit.

James 1:2 says, “to count it all joy when trials come in any form because it produces the fruit of perseverance, so let it grow, for when our endurance is fully developed, we will be perfect and complete, not lacking anything.” Please remind us in moments where we feel like what we have around us doesn’t matter, that it all matters to you. It’s all a part of your bigger purpose.

Uplift us today, reminding us that our story, no matter how messy it is, matters to you and will be used for good. Our mess ultimately is our message we can use to be lights in this dark world. We surrender and sacrifice everything to you today Lord. Our past, our present and our future. We want to bear fruit for you and your Kingdom. May your Word water our souls today so the seeds planted can grow and flourish into who you’ve designed and called us to be. Thank you for choosing us to partake in your beautiful garden. We love you, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,