A Prayer to Listen Only to God
By: Victoria Riollano
Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. – Proverbs 29:25
I’ve always cared about what other people think. From wondering how people would judge my appearance or age to being afraid to say “no,” there has always been this nagging feeling of impending rejection. As much as I would try to fight it, I would constantly find myself in situations I didn’t want to be in. The fear of not wanting to upset anyone or be looked down upon caused me to lack sound judgment.
No matter how exhausted or irritated I may have been, I was the first to volunteer to help, to be present at functions, and to say “yes.” Although on the outside this appeared to be an act of love towards others, it was truly nothing more than my desire to be accepted. My fear of what other people thought robbed me of many years of joy and peace. I had become a slave to the sum of others’ opinions. I was willing to deny who God had called me to be in order to live up to other people’s perceptions. This is a deadly trap that left me suicidal, depressed, and miserable.
I am convinced that I am not the only one in this predicament. Yet, I am comforted to know that Jesus spent his life on Earth navigating the opinions of others as well. Many doubted He was who He said He was. Many wondered how a “carpenter’s son” could possibly perform miracles, bless people, or stand up to the religious leaders of His day. We see throughout the Gospels those who were bold about their opinions concerning Jesus. To them, He was merely a good person and couldn’t possibly be the Son of God that had been prophesied about for generations. We even find a story tucked in Mark 3 that shows us even Jesus’s family was a bit confused about how Jesus chose to do ministry:
Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” – Mark 3:20-21 NIV
You see, Jesus was not exempt from criticism. However, this was never a deterrent. He spoke what the Father in Heaven instructed Him to say, and He was present where He felt He needed to be. He knew that the fear of people and their thoughts would be a distraction from the great call on His life. Instead of giving in and quitting His mission on earth, He made a choice to complete every great work the Father in heaven had implored Him to do. This meant that He was willing to move forward despite what anyone had to say about it. He stood firm in His convictions and faith and all times.
Today, I believe the Lord wants us to do the same. For far too long, we have allowed ourselves to be swayed to not cause a scene or even be outcasted. Yet, this is a trap from the enemy. The Lord desires that we would follow Him and trust Him above all else. May we be, speak, and do only what He has called us to do. When we place other people’s opinions over God’s voice, we make them our personal idols. We can be assured that we will miss out on God’s best for our lives when we allow this. May we be in constant prayer to know His voice clearly and follow His lead in every decision.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 NIV
Let’s pray.
I ask that you forgive me for every time I have exalted another voice before yours. Help me to be sensitive to your plans for me. God, I only want to say and do what you have called me to do. Open my eyes to see the areas of my life where I’m just going along with the crowd. Show me how to stand in faith and in truth, even when it is difficult. Help me to be confident in your words over my life.
Guard my heart against rejection and fear of man. I trust you Lord in all things. You alone are my rock, shield and firm foundation. May your words ring clearly in my life.
In Jesus’ name. Amen!