In Touch Daily Devotional 29 November 2021
Topic: Trading Weakness for Strength
Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 3:13-21
Many years ago my son Andy and I hiked in the Grand Canyon. After a restless night on hard ground, we reached the bottom, only to discover that we couldn’t camp there without signing up in advance. So we headed for a lodge several miles away. Weary from the hike and lost sleep, we finally caught sight of the lodge and broke into a run as if we were well rested and had recently enjoyed plenty of food and water!
Sometimes our spiritual life seems like an exhausting hike through the Grand Canyon. Daily life, suffering, and difficulties can sap our strength. But the Spirit of God supplies supernatural energy in our inner being so we won’t grow weary and lose hope (Isa. 40:29-31).
The Holy Spirit is charged with many tasks. He illuminates God’s Word, helps believers in prayer, and points out sin. But one of His primary responsibilities is enabling us to become the people God wants us to be. He does this by strengthening us in our weakness, comforting us in our pain, and empowering us to persevere through hardship and suffering.
If you are growing weary, call out to your heavenly Father and rely on His strength. His power is sufficient for every weakness and need.
Bible in One Year: 1 Corinthians 7-10
Thought for the Day: God always meets our needs, even if in different ways than we expect.
Read Streams of Joy Daily Devotional 29 November 2021 – No Contention
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