OPENING PRAYER: May my heart, O Lord, be receptive to your word as I meditate on it.

SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:1-15

Question(s) for Reflection
• Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
• What is God revealing to me in this passage?

Scripture Union SU Daily Guide 6 November 2021  Today’s Guide

Notice the credentials and or testimonies of Timothy (vs. 1 – 2 cf. 2 Tim. 1: 5). On the surface, it may appear as if Paul was contradicting his and the church’s stand on Gentiles and circumcision by circumcising Timothy (vs.3). However, Timothy was not 100% Gentile unlike Titus (Galatians 2:3). His mother being a Jew, he underwent circumcision to avoid unnecessary impediments to his ministry among the Jews. See 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 for Paul’s principle.

Notice what the follow-up visits of Paul and his team did to the churches (vs. 4 – 6). The churches were not only strengthened but increased numerically daily. How does this challenge our follow up or discipleship work? Knowing God’s will is no simple task, not even for a giant of the faith like Paul. One would expect him to always have prompt clarity of the direction to go.

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We cannot limit God. He leads in various ways – vision, dream, circumstance, the Bible (maybe during our devotion), message from other believers, prophecy, etc. We must always ensure to hear Him clearly, so we do not miss the road and labour in vain. Challenges will come.

Being in the Lord’s will, we can readily turn to Him for help. There was no synagogue in Philippi but a prayer place, a good place to start ministry. God opened Lydia’s heart to receive the gospel message and through her, He provided adequately for Paul and his team’s need while in Philippi. How true it is that where and when God leads, he adequately provides, and that God’s will cannot take you to where his grace will not keep you!

• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Closing Prayer
• And so? What good examples and challenges have you picked from Timothy and Lydia for application in your personal life? Grant me, dear Lord, the knowledge of your will and grace to follow it wholeheartedly.

Prayer for the week
Pray for Christian brethren in foreign lands that God will help them to continue in the faith. Pray against them forgetting the dealings of God in their lives or to go back to their vomits because of pressure and challenges of life. Pray for Apostolic Faith.

Offer a prayer of faith in line with
• Zephaniah; Col. 4

Read GoodNews Daily Devotional 6th November 2021 – Better Than Chocolate

Scripture Union Daily Guide 6 November 2021. Scripture Union is an international, interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization. It was founded in 1867, and works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. The organization’s stated aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.

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