Seeds of the Kingdom Daily Devotional 7 June 2022
TOPIC: God’s Timing
SCRIPTURE: I am God. At the right time I’ll make it happen.
In this instantaneous age we have come to expect almost everything to happen at the touch of a button. We don’t appear to be able to wait for anything anymore. Patience seems to be disappearing from our words and our thinking.
As Christians we need to be careful not to be sucked into the mindset of the world where only the quickest is considered the best. Even our God, who is outside of time, took an extended period to create the world, whereas no doubt He could have created it all instantaneously!
God demonstrates such patience as He waits for each of us His children to turn and make our way back to Him. But do we then expect Him to respond instantly to our desires and prayers? It seems we continually have to be reminded that God’s timing and His ways are so different from ours, but they are so right.
I recall some years ago we took matters into our own hands, due to our impatience in waiting for the Lord to show us the next step. (It was similar to the Abraham and Ishmael incident). We had sold our house and we went and bought another one only to find within weeks that the Lord was actually moving us on and out of that area. If only we had waited to hear from Him. We moved to a house that we were only in for three months. It was a costly lesson, but one we have never forgotten!
Recently I was reminded of Elijah. When he was praying for rain, he sent his servant many times to look for a sign of rain (1 Kings 18:42-44). It was only on the seventh occasion that the servant returned with a positive report. What patience and perseverance they both had! May we all learn to use the time we save by using instantaneous devices, to wait on the Lord for His timing in the things of life that really matter!